The mission of the Women Veterans of the Ark-La-Tex is to honor and assist women Veterans who have and continue to pave the way to freely serve our great country.
Women Veterans of the Ark La Tex
Women Veterans
Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards has proclaimed June 12 as Louisiana Women Veterans Day. This year the day marked the 70th anniversary of the passage of the of the Women's Armed Forces Integration Act, which authorized regular and reserved status for women to serve in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force.
More than 214,000 are serving in every rank and military specialty. There are over 1.8. female veterans working in the civilian sector, according to a news release.
Louisiana Women Veterans Day is dedicated to acknowledging the service and dedication of 28,000 women veterans across the state. "Women have played an integral role in the defense of our nation, and not only are we grateful for their faithful service, but we are undoubtedly stronger as a state and as a country because of their bravery and selfless contributions to our armed forces," said Gov. Edwards, in a news release. "Each year on June 12th we will honor the sacrifices they have made in keeping our country safe and protecting the freedoms we all enjoy." In Louisiana, there are 28,737 living female veterans.

Women Veterans of the ArkLaTex at the Louisiana Women Veterans Day Ceremony, June 12th, 2019 at the Old State Capital in Baton Rouge.